Tabby Cat Vs Calico

Tabby Cat Vs Calico Size, Weight, Overall Comparison

Exploring the distinctions between Tabby Cats and Calico Cats sheds light on their unique appearances, gender prevalence, and diverse personalities. Tabby Cats are typically identified by their stripes, while Calico Cats boast a mottled combination of white, brown, and black fur. These feline companions, with varying sociability and price ranges, offer a diverse array of choices for prospective cat owners.

Tabby Cat vs Calico Cat: Discerning Feline Differences

I. Appearance:

– Tabby Cats are recognized for their distinctive stripes, contributing to their visually appealing and often sleek appearance. In contrast, Calico Cats showcase a mottled combination of white, brown, and black fur, creating a more varied and intricate coat pattern.

Tabby Cat Vs Calico
Tabby Cats are Distinguished by Their Stripes (Credit: Nikita 2007 (CC BY 2.0)




II. Gender Prevalence:

– Tabby Cats can be either male or female, showcasing a balanced gender distribution. On the other hand, Calico Cats are mostly female, with the distinctive calico coat pattern linked to specific combinations of X chromosomes.

III. Personality Traits:

– Tabby Cats, across various breeds, often display sociable and friendly personalities. However, personality variations exist based on the specific breed. Calico Cats, in contrast, exhibit diverse personalities that can vary significantly from breed to breed.

IV. Sociability:

– Most Tabby Cats tend to be sociable, fostering engaging interactions with their owners. The sociability of Calico Cats, while influenced by breed, can vary widely, providing a range of temperamental options for prospective cat owners.

V. Price Range:

– Both Tabby Cats and Calico Cats have diverse price ranges influenced by factors such as breed, sex, and age. Prices may range from $200 to over $2000, reflecting the wide spectrum of choices available for cat enthusiasts.

Tabby Cat Vs Calico Cat
The Price of Calico Cats is Similar to That of Tabby Cats (Credit: Fernando Losada Rodríguez 2009 (CC BY-SA 1.0)




VI. Recognizing Unique Appeal:

– Prospective cat owners must carefully consider the appearance, gender prevalence, and sociability of Tabby and Calico Cats to select a feline companion that aligns with their preferences and lifestyle.

VII. Fostering Harmonious Companionship:

– Understanding the distinctions between Tabby Cats and Calico Cats enables cat enthusiasts to create a harmonious and enjoyable companionship tailored to their expectations, preferences, and the unique characteristics of each coat pattern and breed.

*Details of Comparison


Criteria Tabby Cat Calico Cat
Appearance Varied coat patterns, “M” shape on forehead
Tri-colored coat with white, black, orange
Size Average length around 18 inches
Comparable size to tabby cats
Weight 8 to 16 pounds
Similar weight range
Bite Force (PSI) 200 to 400 PSI
Comparable bite force range
Physical Offensive Advantages Sharp claws, agile movements
Similar offensive advantages
Physical Defensive Advantages Flexible body, quick reflexes
Comparable defensive advantages
Speed Average speed 30 mph (48 km/h)
Similar average speed
Agility Highly agile, climbing and jumping
Comparable agility
Senses Enhanced night vision, acute hearing, smell
Similar sensory capabilities
Overall Physical Capacity Balanced attributes for hunting, climbing
Comparable overall physical capacity
Habitat Preference(s) Adaptable to urban, suburban, rural areas
Similar adaptability to various habitats
Tracks Paw prints with distinctive claw marks
Similar recognizable paw prints
Lifespan 12 to 16 years
Comparable average lifespan
Mode of Feeding Carnivorous, hunting small prey
Similar carnivorous diet
Intelligence Generally intelligent, problem-solving
Comparable intelligence
Social Behavior Variable, ranging from solitary to social
Similar variability in social behavior
Mode of Reproduction Sexual reproduction, gestation 63-65 days
Similar reproductive method and gestation
Parental Behavior Variable, some exhibit strong maternal instincts
Comparable parental behavior
Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas Found in urban, suburban areas
Similar adaptability to human presence
Behavior Toward Humans Varied behavior, aloof to affectionate
Comparable diverse behaviors
Danger Posed to Humans Generally not dangerous to humans
No significant danger posed to humans
Associated Precautions Caution for potential scratches or bites
Similar precautions for handling
Conservation Status Not applicable, variations within domestic cat species
Not applicable, coat color pattern
Key Points
  • Both tabby and calico cats exhibit diverse coat patterns, agility, and similar ecological adaptations.
  • No significant differences in size, weight, bite force, or speed between the two.
  • Comparable lifespans, modes of feeding, and intelligence levels.
  • Both are carnivorous, adaptable to various habitats, and often found in human-inhabited areas.
  • Neither pose significant danger to humans, requiring caution for potential scratches or bites.
  • Conservation status is not applicable as they are variations within the domestic cat species.

1. Taxonomy

Tabby Cat Vs Calico
Tabby Cats and Calico Cats Share The Same Taxonomic Family (Credit: Ragesoss 2009 (CC BY-SA 2.0)




Tabby Cat:

Family: Felidae

Genus: Felis

Species: Catus

Calico Cat:

Family: Felidae

Genus: Felis

Species: Catus


2. Appearance

Tabby Cat:

Varied coat patterns, typically with stripes, spots, or swirls

Colors include brown, gray, orange, and black

Distinct “M” shape on the forehead

Calico Cat:

Tri-colored coat with patches of white, black, and orange (or their diluted variants)

Unique and recognizable patchwork appearance


Both exhibit diverse and distinctive coat patterns.

Tabby cats have more variability in coat patterns, while calico cats are known for their tri-color arrangement.

Ecological Implications:

Coat patterns may offer camouflage in different environments, aiding in hunting or avoiding predators.


3. Size

Tabby Cat:

Average length of 18 inches (45 cm)

Shoulder height around 9-10 inches (23-25 cm)

Calico Cat:

Similar size to tabby cats with average lengths around 18 inches (45 cm)


No significant size difference between tabby and calico cats.

Ecological Implications:

Size adaptation may contribute to agility and maneuverability in various habitats.


4. Weight

Tabby Cat:

Average weight ranges from 8 to 16 pounds (3.6 to 7.3 kg)

Calico Cat:

Similar weight range of 8 to 16 pounds (3.6 to 7.3 kg)


Both tabby and calico cats share a comparable weight range.

Ecological Implications:

Weight contributes to their ability to navigate and survive in their respective ecosystems.


5. Bite Force (PSI)

Tabby Cat Vs Calico
Credit: Emma Fielder 2011 (CC BY 2.0)



Tabby Cat:

Bite force typically ranges from 200 to 400 PSI

Calico Cat:

Similar bite force range of 200 to 400 PSI


No significant difference in bite force between tabby and calico cats.

Ecological Implications:

Bite force is essential for hunting and consuming prey, impacting their role in the ecosystem.


6. Physical Offensive Advantages

Tabby Cat:

Sharp retractable claws

Agile and quick movements

Calico Cat:

Similar offensive advantages with sharp claws and agility


Both tabby and calico cats possess sharp claws and agility as offensive tools.

Ecological Implications:

Offensive abilities aid in hunting, capturing prey, and defending territory.


7. Physical Defensive Advantages

Tabby Cat:

Flexible body for evasion

Quick reflexes

Calico Cat:

Comparable defensive advantages with flexibility and quick reflexes


Both tabby and calico cats share defensive traits, enhancing their survival capabilities.

Ecological Implications:

Defensive skills are crucial for avoiding predators and ensuring individual safety.


8. Speed (Km/hour or Mile/hour)

Tabby Cat:

Average speed of 30 mph (48 km/h)

Calico Cat:

Similar average speed of 30 mph (48 km/h)


No significant speed difference between tabby and calico cats.

Ecological Implications:

Speed is vital for hunting, escaping predators, and covering territory efficiently.


9. Agility

Tabby cat Vs calico Cat
Credit: rabbot 2009 (CC BY 2.0)




Tabby Cat:

Highly agile, capable of climbing and jumping with precision

Calico Cat:

Comparable agility, adept at navigating various terrains


Both tabby and calico cats display remarkable agility.

Ecological Implications:

Agility contributes to their ability to navigate diverse landscapes and catch agile prey.


10. Senses

Tabby Cat:

Excellent night vision

Acute hearing

Well-developed sense of smell

Calico Cat:

Similar sensory capabilities with excellent night vision, acute hearing, and a keen sense of smell


Both tabby and calico cats share enhanced sensory abilities.

Ecological Implications:

Superior senses aid in hunting, avoiding danger, and navigating their environment.


11. Overall Physical Capacity

Tabby Cat:

Balanced physical attributes for hunting and climbing

Calico Cat:

Comparable overall physical capacity, well-suited for survival


Tabby and calico cats exhibit well-rounded physical capabilities.

Ecological Implications:

Balanced physical traits contribute to their adaptability in various ecosystems.


12. Habitat Preference(s)

Tabby Cat Vs Calico Cat
Calico Cats are Adaptable to Diverse Habitats (Credit: Raita Futo 2015 (CC BY 2.0)




Tabby Cat:

Adaptable to various environments, including urban, suburban, and rural areas

Calico Cat:

Similar adaptability to different habitats, thriving in diverse settings


Both tabby and calico cats demonstrate versatility in habitat preferences.

Ecological Implications:

Adaptability allows them to thrive in different ecological niches.


13. Tracks

tabby cat vs calico
Credit: Revital Salomon 2015 (CC BY-SA 4.0)




Tabby Cat:

Paw prints with distinctive claw marks

Calico Cat:

Similar paw prints with claw marks


Both tabby and calico cats leave recognizable paw prints.

Ecological Implications:

Paw prints serve as indicators of their presence and activities in the environment.


14. Lifespan

Tabby Cat:

Average lifespan ranges from 12 to 16 years

Calico Cat:

Similar average lifespan of 12 to 16 years


Both tabby and calico cats have comparable lifespans.

Ecological Implications:

Lifespan influences their role in ecosystems, impacting population dynamics.


15. Mode of Feeding

Tabby Cat:

Carnivorous, primarily hunting small prey like birds and rodents

Calico Cat:

Similar carnivorous diet, hunting small animals for sustenance


Both tabby and calico cats share a carnivorous mode of feeding.

Ecological Implications:

Carnivorous habits contribute to controlling prey populations in their ecosystems.


16. Intelligence

Tabby Cat:

Generally intelligent, capable of problem-solving

Calico Cat:

Comparable intelligence, exhibiting problem-solving skills


Tabby and calico cats both demonstrate intelligence.

Ecological Implications:

Intelligence aids in adapting to environmental challenges and securing food sources.


17. Social Behavior

Tabby Cat Vs Calico
Tabby Cats Exhibit Variable Social Behaviors Toward Even Calico Cats, as Well as Other Felines, and Humans (Credit: Broc 2010 (CC BY 3.0)




Tabby Cat:

Variable social behavior, ranging from solitary to social

Calico Cat:

Similar variability in social behavior, adapting to individual personalities


Both tabby and calico cats exhibit a range of social behaviors.

Ecological Implications:

Social behaviors impact their interactions with other individuals in their environment.


18. Mode of Reproduction

Tabby Cat:

Typically reproduce through sexual reproduction

Gestation period around 63-65 days

Calico Cat:

Reproduction also through sexual means, sharing a similar gestation period


Both tabby and calico cats utilize sexual reproduction for offspring.

Ecological Implications:

Reproductive patterns influence population dynamics within their habitats.


19. Parental Behavior

Tabby Cat Vs Calico Cat
Calico Cat With Its Young (Credit: Vmenkov 2007 (CC BY-SA 1.0)




Tabby Cat:

Variable parental behavior; some exhibit strong maternal instincts

Calico Cat:

Similar variability in parental behavior, with individuals showing maternal instincts


Parental behavior varies among individuals in both tabby and calico cats.

Ecological Implications:

Parental care contributes to the survival of offspring, impacting overall population health.


20. Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas

Tabby Cat:

Often found in urban and suburban areas, adapting well to human presence

Calico Cat:

Similar adaptability to human-inhabited areas, often residing in urban and suburban environments


Both tabby and calico cats demonstrate a close proximity to human-inhabited areas.

Ecological Implications:

Adaptation to human environments may impact their interactions with other wildlife and influence their diet.


21. Behavior Toward Humans

Tabby Cat:

Varied behavior, ranging from aloof to affectionate

Calico Cat:

Comparable variability in behavior, adapting to individual personalities


Both tabby and calico cats display diverse behaviors toward humans.

Ecological Implications:

Interactions with humans may affect their overall survival and well-being in human-dominated landscapes.


22. Danger Posed to Humans

Tabby Cat:

Generally poses no significant danger to humans

Calico Cat:

Similar lack of danger; typically not considered a threat to humans


Neither tabby nor calico cats are known to pose substantial danger to humans.

Ecological Implications:

The absence of threat contributes to a harmonious coexistence between these cats and humans.


23. Associated Precautions

Tabby Cat Vs Calico Cat
Credit: Bapreiss 2021 (CC BY-SA 4.0)




Tabby Cat:

Caution advised for potential scratches or bites, especially from unfamiliar or stressed individuals

Calico Cat:

Similar precautions for scratches or bites, emphasizing awareness of individual temperaments


Both tabby and calico cats warrant similar precautions in handling.

Ecological Implications:

Human interactions should consider the potential stressors affecting the behavior of these cats.


24. Conservation Status

Tabby Cat:

Not a distinct species; conservation status not applicable

Calico Cat:

Conservation status not applicable as it is a coat color pattern, not a distinct species


Conservation status is not assigned to tabby or calico cats, as they are variations within the domestic cat species.

Ecological Implications:

Conservation efforts primarily focus on the broader domestic cat species.

Summary of Comparison


Tabby: Varied coat patterns with stripes, spots, or swirls; distinct “M” shape on the forehead.

Calico: Tri-colored coat with patches of white, black, and orange.


Similar average length for both tabby and calico cats (around 18 inches).


Comparable weight range for both tabby and calico cats (8 to 16 pounds).

Bite Force (PSI):

Similar bite force range (200 to 400 PSI) for tabby and calico cats.

Physical Offensive Advantages:

Both possess sharp retractable claws and agile movements.

Physical Defensive Advantages:

Comparable flexibility and quick reflexes in both tabby and calico cats.


Similar average speed for both tabby and calico cats (30 mph or 48 km/h).


Both exhibit high agility, capable of climbing and jumping with precision.


Enhanced night vision, acute hearing, and keen sense of smell for both types.

Overall Physical Capacity:

Well-rounded physical attributes for hunting, climbing, and survival in both tabby and calico cats.

Habitat Preference(s):

Adaptability to various environments, including urban, suburban, and rural areas, for both types.


Paw prints with distinctive claw marks for both tabby and calico cats.


Comparable average lifespan (12 to 16 years) for both tabby and calico cats.

Mode of Feeding:

Carnivorous diet, primarily hunting small prey, for both types.


Generally intelligent with problem-solving skills in both tabby and calico cats.

Social Behavior:

Variable social behavior, ranging from solitary to social, in both types.

Mode of Reproduction:

Both reproduce through sexual means with a gestation period of around 63-65 days.

Parental Behavior:

Varied parental behavior, with some individuals exhibiting strong maternal instincts in both tabby and calico cats.

Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas:

Both types often found in urban and suburban areas, adapting well to human presence.

Behavior Toward Humans:

Diverse behavior, ranging from aloof to affectionate, in both tabby and calico cats.

Danger Posed to Humans:

Neither tabby nor calico cats are known to pose significant danger to humans.

Associated Precautions:

Caution advised for potential scratches or bites from both tabby and calico cats.

Conservation Status:

Not applicable for both tabby and calico cats, as they are variations within the domestic cat species.


I. Similarities

Both tabby and calico cats share similarities in size, weight, bite force, and various ecological adaptations.


II. Differences

Differences lie in their distinct coat patterns, with tabby cats having a broader range, while calico cats exhibit a specific tri-color pattern. These differences influence their appearance and potential ecological roles.

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