Felsics is an educational website which provides detailed information on topics within three key disciplines; science, technology and global studies.

Science topics of interest on this website, cut across all major scientific sub-disciplines.  However, the most prominent areas include environmental pollution and remediation, climate change, global warming, ecology, biochemical processes, energy, and electricity generation.

The scientific information provided on these various topics, explores the subjects in terms of the physicochemical and biological mechanisms involved. Some descriptions are supported with illustrations, while external sources are cited where necessary.

Links to technology and sociological phenomena are also expressed, and efforts are made to provide historical information as well as to describe the basic mechanisms behind phenomena.

Technology topics include energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy technology, electricity, and electric devices.

The information on technology topics, aims to discuss the origin and history, principles, methods, implementation, advantages, disadvantages, and prospects of the various technologies. Links between technology, science and global issues are also identified. 

Global Studies on this website covers real world scenarios and problems surrounding sustainable development, such as world hunger, food insecurity, economy, and sociological dynamics.

The information provided on these topics makes reference to the role played by both science and technology in the socioeconomic sphere, by highlighting the effects of scientific and technological phenomena like energy production and conservation, climate change, and environmental degradation, on the human populace.

The information provided is also supported with references to relevant studies from various sources, as a means of expressing credibility, as well as a source of additional information that could be helpful to users.

At the end of each article, links to other related articles on this website are provided. Such related articles are also linked within the main body of the article where necessary.

For enquiries, contact us through the following address: felsics@gmail.com