5 Decarbonization Solutions Fully Explained

Decarbonization solutions include; meeting policy-determined goals, carbon tax reduction, increasing building and industry efficiency, and reducing environmental footprint of transport.

It is important to note that ‘decarbonization solutions’ refer to the practical use of decarbonization in solving problems.

This article discusses decarbonization solutions, as follows;



1). Meeting Policy-Determined Goals (as one of the Decarbonization Solutions)

One of the most important decarbonization solutions is with regards to meeting goals and objectives as determined by any of various environmental policies and regulations.

Decarbonization is one of the tools for achieving the environmental goals of sustainable development, especially with regards to net-zero emissions [4].

Other regional, global and sectoral goals can be met by implementing decarbonization strategies and principles. Such goals may include specific quantitative emission targets, and energy efficiency targets in industrial manufacturing and waste management.


2). Reducing Agricultural Emissions

Decarbonization solutions can also benefit the agricultural sector.

The importance of decarbonization in agriculture is linked to the role played by agricultural crops, livestock and processes, in greenhouse emissions, climate change, desertification, and other forms of carbon-related environmental degradation [3].

Decarbonization is achievable through sustainable agricultural practices that protect natural carbon sinks and encourage recycling of biomass.

These include crop rotation, composting, cover cropping, and waste-to-energy conversion of crop residue and livestock waste

Such practices decarbonize agriculture by facilitating soil carbon sequestration and converting carbon-rich waste to renewable biofuel.

For decarbonization to be effective, sustainable farming methods must be selected based on their carbon intensity or emission potential. For example, methods like incineration can be replaced with others with more control of emissions, such as pyrolysis, when managing organic waste on farms.

Decarbonization solutions in agriculture are closely linked to soil conservation and water conservation. These practices recarbonize the soil, while decarbonizing the atmosphere [2].

They also have the potential to help address socioeconomic problems like hunger and food insecurity, by boosting agricultural resilience, sustainability and production.


3). Carbon Tax Reduction (as one of the Decarbonization Solutions)

Carbon pricing policies are a major cause of expenditure for firms, especially those involved in energy-intensive operations.

By implementing decarbonization principles and practices, such firms can reduce the volume and cost of their carbon emissions significantly.

While the cost of some decarbonization measures like carbon capture and storage may equal or exceed the cost of carbon taxes, they can save long-term economic losses.

Aside such active measures, others such as material substitution are less-expensive decarbonization solutions to the problem of high carbon taxes.


4). Increasing Building and Industry Efficiency

Decarbonization solutions in building and industry, improve energy efficiency by reducing the rate at which waste energy is released from these entities [1].

These solutions may take effect from the point of material selection and component manufacturing, by encouraging the use of low-carbon raw materials and production approaches.

In buildings, decarbonization may involve the use of sustainable alternatives like renewable energy systems, for electricity generation. It also supports the practice of energy conservation and the use of energy storage systems to mitigate carbon emissions caused by excessive power generation and losses.

Decarbonization is one of the reasons behind technological innovation in the industrial sector, and leads to the modification or replacement of equipment with more-efficient alternatives.

Other building-related decarbonization solutions include the adoption of smart house technology and advanced energy metering technologies.

Decarbonization Solutions: Increasing Building and Industry Efficiency (Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Greg Vojtko 2010)
Decarbonization Solutions: Increasing Building and Industry Efficiency (Credit: U.S. Navy photo by Greg Vojtko 2010)


5). Reducing Environmental Footprint of Transport (as one of the Decarbonization Solutions)

Decarbonization solutions in the transport sector aim to reduce the environmental footprint of transport in general, thereby making it more sustainable and safe for the ecosystem.

These solutions include production of ‘cleaner’ petroleum products, and technological changes that facilitate energy transition in the transport sector.

Such technological changes include system modifications for improved efficiency and fuel conservation; as well as the development of electric cars, biofuel-fired automobile engines, and hybrid cars.



Decarbonization solutions are;

1. Meeting Policy-Determined Goals

2. Reducing Agricultural Emissions

3. Carbon Tax Reduction

4. Increasing Building and Industry Efficiency

5. Reducing Environmental Footprint of Transport



1). Chen, W.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, J.; Dou, W.; Jiao, Y. (2022). “Planning and Energy–Economy–Environment–Security Evaluation Methods for Municipal Energy Systems in China under Targets of Peak Carbon Emissions and Carbon Neutrality.” Energies 15(19):7443. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/en15197443. (Accessed 4 November 2022).

2). FAO (2019). “Recarbonization of global soils – A tool to support the implementation of the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture.” Available at: https://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/ca6522en. (Accessed 4 November 2022).

3). Govind, A. (2022). “Towards Climate Change Preparedness in the MENA’s Agricultural Sector.” Agronomy 12(2):279. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy12020279. (Accessed 4 November 2022).

4). Safonov, G. (2015). “Pathways to deep decarbonization. 2015 report.” Available at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305323923_Pathways_to_deep_decarbonization_2015_report. (Accessed 4 November 2022).

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