Depopulation Definition, Causes and Methods Explained

Depopulation is the active or passive reduction of population size in a given area or region. This article discusses depopulation definition, causes and methods, as outlined below;


-Depopulation Definition: 4 Ways to Define Depopulation

-Causes of Depopulation

-Methods of Depopulation





Depopulation Definition: 4 Ways to Define Depopulation

Depopulation is any process whereby the size of the human population within a given area is significantly reduced [1].

Aside being a process, depopulation can also be described as an act. This is shown in the alternative depopulation definition that is given below;

Depopulation is simply the act of reducing or removing a substantial portion of the population within a given country, zone or region.

When it is being portrayed as an act; the concept of depopulation is best viewed in terms of its causes. Below is another depopulation definition which mentions some of the causes of depopulation;

Depopulation is a notable reduction in the number of inhabitants within a given area, which could be caused by factors such as; natural disaster, disease outbreak, economic recession, food insecurity, and induced migration [2].

As the above implies, depopulation is a predominantly-socioeconomic issue, whose causes mainly revolve around sociological and economic factors. The same could be said about the effects of depopulation, as shown in the depopulation definition below;

Depopulation refers to any notable decrease in regional population size as a result of environmental and socioeconomic factors; and with effects such as; lower economic productivity, cost-of-living reduction, demographic imbalance, negative environmental constraint, land abandonment, and changes in long-term social sustainability.

Depopulation Definition: Land Abandonment as an Effect of Depopulation (Credit: User:Dna-Dennis 2004)
Depopulation Definition: Land Abandonment as an Effect of Depopulation (Credit: User:Dna-Dennis 2004)



Causes of Depopulation

Causes of depopulation are;

1). Low Birth Rate

2). Economic Recession

3). Regional Food Insecurity and Hunger

4). High Mortality Rate

5). Disease Outbreak

6). Natural Hazards

7). Emigration



Methods of Depopulation

Depopulation methods are used only in situations where a significant portion of the population must be removed or reduced to ensure survival or sustainability.

This is more common with non-human populations; such as crops and livestock; and could be applied in cases of disease infestation and resource depletion or inadequacy.


Methods of depopulation are;

1). De-congestion by Areal Re-configuration

2). Cervical Dislocation

3). Euthanasia

4). Electrocution

5). De-ventilation


The application of most of these methods is often considered to be against ethical practice, in many contexts.




Depopulation is the act or process whereby the number of inhabitants in a given area or region is significantly reduced.

Causes of depopulation are; low birth rate, economic recession, food insecurity and hunger, high mortality rate, disease outbreak, natural hazards, and emigration.

Methods of depopulation are; de-congestion, cervical dislocation, euthanasia, electrocution, and de-ventilation.

The application of most of these methods is often considered to be against ethical practice, in many contexts.




1). Yu, Z.; Zhang, H.; Sun, P.; Guo, Y. (2022). The Pattern and Local Push Factors of Rural Depopulation in Less-Developed Areas: A Case Study in the Mountains of North Hebei Province, China. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 May 12;19(10):5909. Availablr at: (Accessed 17 December 2022).

2). Zhang, D.D.; Brecke, P., Lee, H. F.; He, Y-Q.; Zhang, J. (2007). “Global climate change, war, and population decline in recent human history.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(49):19214-19219. Available at: (Accessed 17 December 2022).

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