Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll Size, Weight, Overall Comparison

Exploring the distinctions between the Ragamuffin Cat and Ragdoll unveils unique features in their appearance, temperament, and market pricing. While the Ragamuffin exhibits more rounded features and colorations, the Ragdoll showcases flattened and angular characteristics. These two breeds, distinguished from each other in 1994, have subtle differences in their stature, fur, and sociability as pets. Understanding these nuances can aid prospective cat owners in selecting the feline companion that aligns with their preferences.

Ragamuffin Cat vs Ragdoll: Discerning Feline Differences

I. Features and Colorations:

– Ragamuffins are characterized by more rounded features and colorations, contributing to their softer and more rounded appearance. In contrast, Ragdolls exhibit more flattened and angular features, lending them a distinct visual profile.

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragamuffin Cat (Credit: S. J. Pyrotechnic 2013 (CC BY-SA 2.0)



II. Breed Distinction:

– The Ragamuffin was officially distinguished as a separate breed in 1994, with unique criteria such as weighty stature, eye color, and fur color setting it apart from the Ragdoll. This differentiation underscores the specific characteristics that define each breed.

III. Sociability as Pets:

– Ragamuffins tend to have a more sociable personality as pets, fostering friendly and engaging interactions with their owners. This sociable nature adds to the appeal of Ragamuffins as companions.

IV. Size Variation:

– Ragamuffins may be generally larger than Ragdolls, contributing to their robust and substantial stature. This size difference adds to the diversity within these two breeds.

V. Price Considerations:

– Ragamuffins, being rarer, tend to command a higher price in the market, ranging from about $600 to over $2000 for purebred kittens. In contrast, Ragdoll kittens are priced between $500 and $1800, reflecting differences in availability and demand.

While some studies may state the revers to b the case, ragamuffin cats tend to cost more than ragdoll cats at the point of initial purchase

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragdoll Kittens (Credit: Lisa Zins 2017 (CC BY 2.0)

VI. Recognizing Unique Appeal:

– Prospective cat owners must carefully consider the rounded features, sociability, and potential size differences between Ragamuffins and Ragdolls to make informed decisions based on their preferences and lifestyle.

VII. Fostering Harmonious Companionship:

– Understanding distinctions between the Ragamuffin Cat and Ragdoll enables cat enthusiasts to create a harmonious and enjoyable companionship tailored to their expectations, preferences, and the unique characteristics of each breed.

*Details of Comparison


Criteria Ragamuffin Cat Ragdoll Cat
Taxonomy Felidae, Felis catus
Felidae, Felis catus
Appearance Wide range of coat colors and patterns
Distinctive colorpoint pattern with darker points
Size Medium to large
Generally larger, especially males
Weight Males: 15-20 lbs, Females: 10-15 lbs
Males: 15-20 lbs or more, Females: 10-15 lbs
Bite Force (PSI) Data not available
Data not available
Physical Offensive Advantages Sharp claws, muscular build
Powerful hind legs, strong claws
Physical Defensive Advantages Agility, dense fur
Size, powerful paws
Speed Data not available
Data not available
Agility Agile and graceful movements
Surprisingly agile despite large size
Senses Excellent night vision, acute hearing, keen smell
Excellent night vision, acute hearing, keen smell
Overall Physical Capacity Data not available
Data not available
Habitat Preference(s) Adaptable to various environments
Prefers indoor living, less adaptable outdoors
Tracks Data not available
Data not available
Lifespan 12-16 years 12-17 years
Mode of Feeding Carnivorous diet Carnivorous diet
Intelligence Intelligent, trainable, social
Generally intelligent, docile
Social Behavior Affectionate, enjoys human and animal companionship
Gentle, forms strong bonds with owners
Mode of Reproduction Sexual reproduction, seasonal breeding
Sexual reproduction, seasonal breeding
Parental Behavior Good maternal instincts, active in nursing
Generally good mothers, actively care for kittens
Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas Adaptable to rural and urban environments
Prefers indoor living, often found in urban/suburban settings
Behavior Toward Humans Non-aggressive, gentle
Non-aggressive, docile
Danger Posed to Humans Generally poses no significant danger
Generally poses no significant danger
Associated Precautions Regular grooming, supervised outdoor activities
Regular grooming, indoor safety precautions
Conservation Status Not recognized as a separate breed, not listed
Recognized breed, not listed
Key Points
  • Taxonomy: Both belong to Family Felidae, Genus Felis, and Species catus.
  • Appearance: Varied coat patterns in Ragamuffin; potential differences in Ragdoll.
  • Size and Weight: Medium to large with similar weight ranges.
  • Physical Traits: Comparable bite force, offensive and defensive advantages, speed, and agility.
  • Senses: Keen senses for hunting in both breeds.
  • Overall Physical Capacity: Balanced attributes for adapting to diverse environments.
  • Habitat Preference: Adaptable but often associated with human dwellings.
  • Lifespan and Mode of Feeding: Similar lifespan and carnivorous diet.
  • Intelligence and Social Behavior: Intelligent, trainable, and affectionate.
  • Reproduction and Parental Behavior: Similar reproductive mode and parental care.
  • Proximity to Humans: Both breeds are often found in close proximity to human dwellings.
  • Danger Posed to Humans: Generally low risk, known for a gentle nature.
  • Associated Precautions: Regular veterinary care and parasite prevention are essential.
  • Conservation Status: Not listed as endangered, depends on responsible breeding.
  • Conclusion: Both breeds share commonalities with nuanced differences, essential for responsible ownership and understanding their potential ecological impact.

1. Taxonomy:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Family: Felidae

Genus: Felis

Species: catus


Family: Felidae

Genus: Felis

Species: catus

Both Ragamuffin cats and Ragdoll cats belong to the same family (Felidae), genus (Felis), and species (catus).


2. Appearance:

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragamuffin Cats Have Long and Dense Fur (Credit: Kevin M Klerks 2019, Uploaded Online 2020 (CC BY 2.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Long, dense, silky fur

Large, expressive eyes

Robust build with a semi-longhair coat

Variety of coat colors and patterns


Semi-longhair coat with a silky texture

Striking blue eyes

Substantially large and muscular body

Colorpoint coat pattern with darker points on ears, face, paws, and tail

Comparison: While both cats share a semi-longhair coat and large eyes, Ragamuffin cats are known for a wider range of coat colors and patterns compared to the distinctive colorpoint pattern of Ragdolls.

Ecological Implications: The appearance of these breeds may influence their survival in different environments. For example, the coloration and patterns might provide camouflage in certain habitats, affecting their ability to hunt or avoid predators.


3. Size:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Medium to large size

Sturdy and well-muscled build


Large size, with males being significantly larger than females

Solid and robust body structure

Comparison: Both breeds are generally large, but Ragdolls tend to be larger, especially the males.

Ecological Implications: Size can impact the cat’s role in the ecosystem, influencing its prey selection and interactions with other species. Larger size may provide advantages in certain hunting strategies or territorial disputes.


4. Weight:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Adult males: 15-20 pounds

Adult females: 10-15 pounds


Adult males: 15-20 pounds or more

Adult females: 10-15 pounds

Comparison: The weight range for both breeds is similar, with males generally being larger than females.

Ecological Implications: Weight affects factors such as energy requirements, prey selection, and mobility. Larger individuals may have different ecological roles, influencing their position in the food chain.


5. Bite Force (PSI – Pounds per Square Inch):

ragamuffin cat vs ragdoll
Credit: Amiebea 2006 (CC BY 2.0)




Bite force information for these specific breeds is not readily available in scientific literature.

Comparison: Without specific data, it’s challenging to compare their bite forces. Generally, bite force can indicate the efficiency of their hunting or defensive capabilities.

Ecological Implications: Bite force is crucial for hunting and survival. Understanding the bite force of these cats would provide insights into their ecological roles, such as prey preferences and hunting techniques.


6. Physical Offensive Advantages:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Sharp claws for climbing and hunting

Muscular build supports effective pouncing


Powerful hind legs aid in high jumps and ambushes

Strong claws for hunting and defense

Comparison: Both breeds possess physical attributes conducive to hunting and offensive maneuvers, utilizing claws and muscular builds.

Ecological Implications: These offensive advantages contribute to their roles in the ecosystem as effective hunters, potentially influencing prey populations and maintaining ecological balance.


7. Physical Defensive Advantages:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Dense fur provides some protection against minor injuries

Agility for evading potential threats


Substantial size may serve as a deterrent

Defensive tactics include swatting with powerful paws

Comparison: While Ragamuffins rely on agility and fur for defense, Ragdolls use their size and powerful paws.

Ecological Implications: These defensive mechanisms may influence their survival against predators or other threats, impacting their presence and behavior within their ecosystems.


8. Speed (Km/hour or Mile/hour):

Specific speed data for these breeds is not readily available.

Comparison: Without exact speed information, it’s challenging to compare their swiftness. Speed is crucial for hunting and evading predators.

Ecological Implications: Speed is a key factor in their efficiency as hunters or their ability to escape from potential dangers in their natural habitats.


9. Agility:

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragdoll Cats are Agile and Graceful (Credit: Leijurv 2020 (CC BY-SA 4.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Agile and graceful movements

Adaptability to various environments


Surprisingly agile despite their large size

Graceful movements and flexibility

Comparison: Both breeds display agility, with Ragdolls showcasing unexpected agility given their size.

Ecological Implications: Agility is vital for navigating different terrains, hunting success, and evading threats, influencing their overall ecological roles and adaptation to diverse environments.


10. Senses:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Excellent eyesight, particularly in low light

Acute sense of hearing

Well-developed sense of smell


Striking blue eyes, contributing to enhanced night vision

Sharp sense of hearing

Keen sense of smell

Comparison: Both breeds share acute senses, including enhanced night vision, sharp hearing, and a strong sense of smell.

Ecological Implications: Their heightened senses contribute to their effectiveness as hunters, helping them locate prey and navigate their environments.


11. Overall Physical Capacity:

Specific data for overall physical capacity is not readily available.

Comparison: Without exact data, it is challenging to compare their overall physical capacities, which encompass various factors such as strength, endurance, and flexibility.

Ecological Implications: Understanding their overall physical capacity provides insights into their adaptive abilities and roles within their ecosystems.


12. Habitat Preference(s):

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragdoll Cat (Credit: Martijn Nijenhuis 2012 (CC BY-ND 2.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Adaptable to various environments

Comfortable in both indoor and outdoor settings


Prefer indoor environments

May venture outdoors but generally less adaptable to outdoor living

Comparison: Ragamuffins are more versatile in habitat preferences, while Ragdolls tend to thrive in indoor settings.

Ecological Implications: Habitat preferences impact their interaction with other species and their ability to cope with environmental changes, potentially affecting their ecological roles.


13. Tracks:

Specific information on paw prints or tracks is not readily available.

Comparison: Without specific data, it’s challenging to compare the tracks of these breeds.

Ecological Implications: Tracking information can provide insights into their movement patterns, territory usage, and interactions with other species in their natural habitats.


14. Lifespan:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Average lifespan of 12-16 years


Average lifespan of 12-17 years

Comparison: Both breeds have a relatively similar lifespan, with Ragdolls potentially living a slightly longer average.

Ecological Implications: Lifespan influences their reproductive potential, impact on prey populations, and overall contribution to the ecosystem.


15. Mode of Feeding:

ragamuffin cat vs ragdoll
Ragdolll Cat (Credit: Niels Hartvig 2011 (CC BY-SA 2.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Carnivorous diet, primarily relying on meat


Carnivorous diet, with a preference for high-quality cat food

Comparison: Both breeds share a carnivorous diet, reflecting their natural predatory instincts.

Ecological Implications: Their feeding habits influence their role in controlling prey populations and maintaining ecological balance.


16. Intelligence:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Intelligent, trainable, and social


Generally considered intelligent and docile

Comparison: Both breeds are recognized for their intelligence, making them trainable and interactive with their human companions.

Ecological Implications: Intelligence affects their ability to adapt to changing environmental conditions, find food, and engage in complex hunting strategies.


17. Social Behavior:

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragamuffin Cats are Generally Sociable (Credit: Ankord 2007)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Social and affectionate, enjoying human and animal companionship


Known for being relaxed, gentle, and forming strong bonds with owners

Comparison: Both breeds exhibit social behavior, forming close bonds with their human families.

Ecological Implications: Social behavior can impact their interactions with other individuals within their ecosystem, potentially influencing group dynamics or cooperative hunting strategies.


18. Mode of Reproduction:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Reproduces through sexual reproduction

Seasonal breeding, with females entering estrus cycles


Reproduces through sexual reproduction

Seasonal breeding, with females exhibiting estrus cycles

Comparison: Both breeds reproduce through sexual reproduction, and their breeding patterns are influenced by seasonal cycles.

Ecological Implications: Reproductive behavior impacts population dynamics within their ecosystems, influencing the abundance and distribution of these cat species.


19. Parental Behavior:

ragamuffin cat vs ragdoll
Credit: Hefin Owen 2015 (.CC BY-SA 2.0.)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Generally exhibits good maternal instincts

Active in nursing and caring for kittens


Typically good mothers, actively caring for their kittens

May be more laid-back compared to some other breeds

Comparison: Both breeds display good parental behavior, participating actively in caring for and nurturing their offspring.

Ecological Implications: Parental care is crucial for the survival of offspring, impacting the overall success of the species in maintaining and growing their population.


20. Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Adaptable to both rural and urban environments


Prefers indoor living, often found in urban or suburban settings

Comparison: Ragamuffins are more adaptable to various environments, while Ragdolls tend to thrive in human-inhabited indoor areas.

Ecological Implications: The proximity to human-inhabited areas influences their interactions with domesticated animals, potential exposure to hazards, and availability of food sources.


21. Behavior Toward Humans:

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragdoll Cats are Docile and Can Form Strong Bonds With Humans (Credit: Peter Munks 2011 (CC BY 2.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Affectionate, sociable, and enjoys human interaction


Gentle, docile, and forms strong bonds with human caregivers

Comparison: Both breeds exhibit friendly behavior toward humans, forming close bonds with their owners.

Ecological Implications: Their positive interactions with humans may impact their overall well-being in domesticated environments, potentially influencing their roles within households and communities.


22. Danger Posed to Humans:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Generally poses no significant danger to humans

Non-aggressive and tends to be gentle


Generally poses no significant danger to humans

Known for their docile nature and lack of aggressive tendencies

Comparison: Both breeds are not known for posing danger to humans, displaying gentle and non-aggressive behavior.

Ecological Implications: The lack of danger to humans allows for positive interactions, potentially influencing human attitudes and perceptions towards these cat species.


23. Associated Precautions:

Ragamuffin Cat Vs Ragdoll
Ragamuffin Cat (Credit: Heikki Siltala 2013 (CC BY 3.0)




Ragamuffin Cat:

Regular grooming due to their long, dense fur

Supervised outdoor activities to prevent potential hazards


Regular grooming to maintain their semi-longhair coat

Indoor living may require protection from household hazards

Comparison: Both breeds require specific precautions, including grooming and environmental safety measures.

Ecological Implications: These precautions may impact their well-being in human-inhabited areas, affecting their overall health and adaptation to domestic environments.


24. Conservation Status:

Ragamuffin Cat:

Not recognized as a separate breed by major cat breeding organizations

Not listed on conservation status due to domestic nature


Recognized breed, not listed on conservation status

Bred in captivity, not considered a wild or endangered species

Comparison: Neither breed is listed on conservation status as they are domesticated and actively bred by humans.

Ecological Implications: Conservation considerations are not applicable in the traditional sense, as these breeds are intentionally bred in controlled environments rather than existing in the wild.

Comparison Summary:


Both Ragamuffin and Ragdoll cats belong to the Felidae family, Felis genus, and catus species.


Ragamuffins have a wide range of coat colors and patterns.

Ragdolls have a distinctive colorpoint pattern with darker points.


Ragdolls are generally larger, especially the males.


Both breeds have a similar weight range, with males being larger than females.

Bite Force (PSI):

Specific bite force data is not available for either breed.

Physical Offensive Advantages:

Both use sharp claws and muscular builds for hunting and offense.

Physical Defensive Advantages:

Ragamuffins rely on agility and fur, while Ragdolls use size and powerful paws.


Specific speed data is not available for either breed.


Both breeds exhibit agility, with Ragdolls surprisingly agile despite their size.


Both have acute night vision, sharp hearing, and a keen sense of smell.

Overall Physical Capacity:

Specific data is not available for overall physical capacity.

Habitat Preference(s):

Ragamuffins are adaptable to various environments, while Ragdolls prefer indoor living.


Specific information on paw prints or tracks is not available.


Ragdolls potentially have a slightly longer average lifespan.

Mode of Feeding:

Both are carnivorous with a preference for meat.


Both breeds are intelligent and trainable.

Social Behavior:

Both exhibit social behavior, forming strong bonds with humans.

Mode of Reproduction:

Both reproduce through sexual reproduction with seasonal breeding.

Parental Behavior:

Both exhibit good maternal instincts and actively care for their offspring.

Proximity to Human-Inhabited Areas:

Ragamuffins are adaptable to various environments, while Ragdolls thrive in indoor settings.

Behavior Toward Humans:

Both breeds display friendly and affectionate behavior toward humans.

Danger Posed to Humans:

Neither breed is known for posing significant danger to humans.

Associated Precautions:

Both require grooming and specific safety measures.

Conservation Status:

Neither breed is listed on conservation status due to domestication.


I) Similarities

– Both Ragamuffin and Ragdoll cats belong to the Felidae family, Felis genus, and catus species. – Similar lifespan, carnivorous diet, and reproductive behaviors. – Non-aggressive behavior toward humans.


II) Differences

– Ragamuffins are more adaptable to various environments, while Ragdolls prefer indoor living. – Ragdolls are generally larger in size. – Ragamuffins have a wider range of coat colors and patterns compared to the distinctive colorpoint pattern of Ragdolls. – Ragdolls may have a slightly longer average lifespan.

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